弊社代表取締役社長 椎名将が初めてアメリカのクラフトビールに出会ったのは1990年代に渡米した時のことです。在米中にすっかりクラフトビールのファンになり、帰国以降も欧米を訪れる度に各地のビールを楽しみました。
そしてクラフトビール好きが高じて2019年、米国ミシガン州において約1年間のKVCC Sustainable Brewingプログラムを受講、クラフトビールの醸造をはじめ、クラフトビール全般について学び、帰国。
2020年8月に株式会社カルテットブルーイングを取締役副社長 椎名佳代と共同設立いたしました。
Quartet Brewing Co is a craftbeer manufacturer and seller. We brew craftbeers at our brewery and serve them at the taproom right next to the brewery.
Back in 1990’s, our CEO, Susumu Shiina encountered American craftbeer for the first time ever when he went to the US to live there for a while. While he was in the US, he became a big fan of craftbeer. Even after having come back to Japan, he has been enjoying beers in western countries whenever he had a chance to visit there.
Finally he decided to learn about brewing and the overall craftbeer industry. He enrolled in KVCC Sustainable Brewing Program about one year in Michigan US and received the certificate.
In August 2020, he cofounded Quartet Brewing Co. with his wife, Kayo Shiina.
Our company name, Quartet Brewing was named because we want to make quality beer by making four major ingredients, malt, hops, yeast and water to harmonize with each other like quartet.
Our logo expresses harmonization of four major ingredients.